24 July 2008

Interview with US-P to understand if the development of Emdros stop now

The summer is here and most of the Unofficial Emdros blog readers will, by now, have read the dissertation "Annotated text databases in the context of the Kaj Munk archive: One database model, one query language, and several applications". Some of you may even have understood the dissertation, so now it is time to look at new interesting facts about Emdros and the creator, US-P.

US-P, I understand that there was a milestone in your life a few weeks ago, can you tell more about this?

Certainly. On June 27, 2008, I defended my PhD thesis. I was awarded the PhD degree by the Academic Board on July 18, 2008. The Assessment Committee had been unanimous in their decision that I was qualified for the PhD degree, so there was no real surprise when the letter came.

A friend of mine had a beer before his wedding, apparently the best beer he ever had drunk. Did you enjoy a glass of the local “Aalborg Akvavit” before defending the dissertation?

Nope. I don't drink.

What was the high point of the research behind the dissertation ?

I think that must have been at the beginning: Cranking out two research papers (which both were accepted for publication) in the first month after I started.

What was the low point of the research behind the dissertation ?

Hmmmm... low points? Isn't PhD study all fun and games? I'd be hard pressed to find anything negative, but perhaps the low point was when my supervisor suggested something to the effect that I stop developing Emdros any further, and go on to something more interesting. I told him that that would kill my interest in the PhD, after which he (he is a very wise man) told me not to stop developing Emdros.

What would you do differently if you could re-do the research ?

That's called “future work”. But seriously, I don't regret anything.

Has your wife read the dissertation ?

No, but she has skimmed it.

Is the lack of photos from the defence of the dissertation down to the fact that you had coloured your hair blue like you did when you got your Bachlor's degree ?

Come, come now. You know very well that it was a Certain Person's PhotoShop do, and not something for real. Besides, it wasn't for my Bachelor's degree, but for my Master's degree. That Certain Person with the PhotoShop skillz shall, of course, remain nameless on this blog...

Will the development of Emdros stop now ?

Most certainly not! The interest in Emdros is growing, as evidenced by the number of people who have contacted me in recent months with questions about how to use it for their purposes. Also, a number of commercial companies have expressed an interest in possibly using Emdros. So no, the development will not stop.

Can you give any indication of what could be the next major feature we may see in Emdros ?

Yes. I hope to make the deployment easier and more streamlined, more “user friendly”. That is, make it easier for the average user quickly to get up to speed with Emdros.

It is correct that Emdros can make sense of the F1 Help in MS Office 2007 ? Nobody else seems to be able to do this.

No, sadly, Emdros cannot perform miracles. Besides, making sense of the F1 Help in MS Office (any version) is a bit like God creating a stone that is so heavy, he cannot lift it. Both feats are logically inconsistent, and therefore unreal. A bit like God creating a brilliantly shining, all-white stone that is all-black and dark. Emdros tries very hard to be logical about what it does. But making sense of the F1 Help in MS Office? You gotta be kidding.

So on second thoughts, I take that back. Thankfully, not sadly, is Emdros not able to perform miracles...

Is there a plan about an Emdros Lite ?

No. Emdros doesn't need to lose weight. It's perfectly fine being heavy-weight, thank you very much!

Many know about your amazing ability to work any time of the day, do you think this skill could come in handy soon ?

Indeed, yes Sir! My wife and I are expecting a baby.

Ah, say no more. Is it correct that a number of people have predicted you could become a Full Professor within the next 25 years if you keep up your hard work and focus ?

That is correct. Whether it actually comes to pass, of course, is still hidden in the Ockhamistic future (see Øhrstrøm and Hasle, 1995, “Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence”, Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Any unknown fact behind Emdros or US-P you can share here ?


Do you see any other major events over the next few weeks ?

Other than the baby? No.

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